True Gratitude is a Product of Struggle, Grief and Pain (+ Journal Prompts)
Journal Deep Dive Callie Huft Journal Deep Dive Callie Huft

True Gratitude is a Product of Struggle, Grief and Pain (+ Journal Prompts)

There are numerous physical and psychosocial benefits of maintaining a regular gratitude practice. But true gratitude requires being intentional about reflecting on the full spectrum of the human experience - from the good and beautiful aspects of life to the bad and ugly ones - and gaining clarity about how all of it adds to a meaningful, worthwhile story.

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Let’s Go Girls: It’s time to take back our power
Journal Deep Dive, Journal Prompts Callie Huft Journal Deep Dive, Journal Prompts Callie Huft

Let’s Go Girls: It’s time to take back our power

It’s time for women to reclaim their power. It’s time for us to get bold and loud and bright and honest. It’s time to stand for what we love and believe in, what we know is true for us, and what we want others to know about us. It’s time to make the big moves, do the scary things, stretch and grow and reach and evolve. It’s time to take back the power we have been throwing to people who have no business carrying it.

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Get to Know Your Realist Real Self for Real
Journal Deep Dive Callie Huft Journal Deep Dive Callie Huft

Get to Know Your Realist Real Self for Real

The first step to true, lasting change is discovering your true self. Not your surface-level, socially acceptable, politically correct, and professional-networking-event self. But the gritty, cringe-worthy, profound, maybe a little shocking and scary, probably-should-keep-that-thought-to-yourself self. Only then will you be able to see yourself accurately, to develop compassion and love for all of who you are, to let go of the shame and regrets, to have a sense of gratitude for all of the circumstances that cultivated who you are, and to truly understand why you are a freaking amazing human whose authentic presence and voice and story matters so much to this world.

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The #1 Tip for Effective Journaling That No One Talks About
Journal Benefits & Tips Callie Huft Journal Benefits & Tips Callie Huft

The #1 Tip for Effective Journaling That No One Talks About

If you want the juicy, delicious benefits of journaling, you gotta do this. It’s simple, but it sure isn’t easy. By doing this one thing, you’ll find freedom, clarity, and peace. You’ll connect more deeply with yourself and with others. You’ll find real purpose and meaning as you walk down your most authentic path. Journaling creates a safe space for this liberation.

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This is Why a Regular Journal Practice Can Change Your Life
Journal Benefits & Tips Callie Huft Journal Benefits & Tips Callie Huft

This is Why a Regular Journal Practice Can Change Your Life

A consistent journal practice can impact and improve every area of your life - literally. From physical and emotional health to finances and relationships, we have evidence from research articles and large publications that highlight the benefits of journaling. This article utilizes the Eight Dimensions of Wellness model as a framework to better understand the many benefits of expressive writing.

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